Questions & Answers
The mother and/or father shall not be forced to abandon the child.
The mother or father or their families can visit the child at the institute. The institute encourages them to do so in order to maintain and strengthen the bond between the child and his family. The timing shall be determined by the administration.
Departments of The Ministry of Interior- child protection officer – Regional family judge
The Institute has branches in some states in the form of life units belonging to associations contracting with the Institute which are: (Amal Childhood in Gabes - Comrade in Sfax - Voice of Children in Nabeul - Voice of Children in Kairouan - Horizon of Child on the coast – My Home in Gafsa - Voice of Children in Medenine - Voice of Children in Monastir - Voice of Children in Bizerta )
The mother can deposit her child at the Institute temporarily or permanently, under a resolution from the concerned Primary Court family judge.
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